AWS Installation

cd to the directory where you want the AWS directory created, and unarchive the AWS distribution in it. Then unarchive the lha archive appropriate for your processor type to extract the binaries. After verifying that nothing - like a previously installed http daemon or inetd - is currently using the standard http port (80), run aws:aws to start the server. You can then connect to http://localhost/ to talk to your server, and begin reading the documentation on the server and the cgi programs provided.

When aws starts, it will look for the assign aws to locate any modules this configuration may use. If it does not find the assign, it assign it to the directory the executable is in. In addition, Rexx CGI scripts refer to AWS: to locate rx-gate.

Eventually, you'll want to edit the configuration file to match your system, then use the rexx indexer to build any index.html files that you need.

Mike Meyer